Emmett Forrest Dies

I am very sad to announce Andy Griffith's childhood friend Emmett Forrest passed away this morning. He was a true friend of Andy's. He has been his friend since they were both young boys. They have developed quite a relationship for each other. Barbara Forrest (Emmett's Wife) passed away several years ago and today is her birthday. Emmett has collected tons of memorabilia of Andy's from childhood and on at the Andy Griffith Museum in Mount Airy, North Carolina. Emmett is clearly a true friend of Andy's. Please post thoughts and prayers of Emmett Forrest and his wife ,who died several years ago, for her birthday which is today. Now Barbara, Andy, and Emmett are all together again in heaven. RIP Emmett and remember Barbara Forrest on her birthday. God Speed Emmett. A true loyal friend of Andy's until Andy's death. I am sure Andy would say "I appreciate it" to Emmett.


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