OK...Let's find the stuff that may not be so obvious, and the ones that make you think, "Hey, I never noticed that before." and post them for all to now be able to notice.
Post the Episode and the thing you noticed. See my first post as an example.
OK...Let's find the stuff that may not be so obvious, and the ones that make you think, "Hey, I never noticed that before." and post them for all to now be able to notice.
Post the Episode and the thing you noticed. See my first post as an example.
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Mrs. Sims, with the great line....”At your price!”
We should name her:
Have you ever noticed all of the characters that played multiple parts on the show. Some are obvious. Some not so much. Let's name and/or show pictures of some.
I'll start.
In season (1) Above, as you come in the front door to the left is another door
I've never seen anyone go into. In season (2) Below they have renovated the jail
adding a heater and a big window.
very interesting, I remember that from years ago but had forgotten about it. I do love to notice how the Taylor household (kitchen, living room) changes from season to season. It went from sparse in season 1 to much more modern in 1967 (at least by Mayberry standards)
Have you ever noticed all the Calendars in the episodes?...but none seem to show the Month!
In the episode, The Darlings are Coming...take a look at the bottom of Andy's pant leg as he is coming around from the back of the Truck. Mr. Darling has just started filling up his radiator...and if you look closely, you can see the wire from the microphone dragging out of Andy's pant leg as he approached.
You can also see a mic cable running out of Barney's pants leg when they are looking up in the tree at the bird nest. The camera angle is from the bird next perspective during the time Barney is telling Andy that it is harmful to touch wild animals and they should use tweezers on them. Andy replies that that is good to know and the next time he goes tiger hunting he will be sure to take some tweezers.
It is so obvious when you look for it! That cable is just draggin along.
Like Barney says, "The backs of your shoes . . . " so make sure you polish the backs, and keep all cables inside your clothing!
I always loved that line, and Barney’s expression right after. :)