Not to be pushy--and don't tell mean ol' Ben Weaver--but his kind and gentle salesman Bert Miller has just now put the 2013 Andy Griffith Show Wall Calendar (the best-selling holiday gift item at Weaver's Dept. Store) ON SALE between now and Christmas (that is, unless we run out of the calendars before then).
If you get 2 of the 2013 Wall Calendars, Bert will quietly sneak in a 3rd 2013 Wall Calendar for you FREE. (You don't even have to ask for it. He'll just do it!) Get 2 as gifts for friends and keep the 3rd as Bert's gift to you.
Ernest T. Bass did the math and calculated that works out to a cost of just $10 per calendar and a $15 savings!
We want to let all of our friends around Mayberry know about this special deal, but please, for Bert's sake, just don't tell Ben! We all know too well how he can be.
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