In no particular order, name the top 1-2 quotes from the show that you “ACTUALLY” SAY TO YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS, a lot!
Please only list 1-2 to give others a chance to add theirs!!!
I’ll start:
- Your education was worth every penny.
- Eatin’ speaks louder that words!
We hike a lot. Every bird we see is "probably a web-footed, red-crested lake loon"; once another couple on the trail heard us and asked what those looked like. When I explained it was from The Andy Griffith Show, they smiled big smiles and walked on. I said to my husband, "They aren't stupid, they're just .. ignorant."
"Everybody on the truck."
When my three youg grandkids start getting out of control I often yell, "NIP IT!"
Reckon the cellar will be downstairs
Mike and I say all the time.."it might might not"
Lots of luck to you and yours.
Judy, Judy, Judy
Will you help us?!
My husband and son say "Eatin' speaks louder than words," to me all the time, when I ask them if smething I've made for dinner is good.
I use my Mrs. Mendlebrightisms on them a lot: "You're a tidy person, no one leaves a wash basin like you do." and "That dresser came all the way from fort Lauderdale."