Hey I think we should try and get David Browning on iMayberryCommunity? And here's what would be even cooler if the Andy Griffith Show actors joined iMayberryCommunity! But whats the chance of that. But, it'd be cool if any of the TAGS actors joined iMayberryCommunuity. Wouldn't it? I wish they would join iMayberry Commununity. We gotta spread the word to them!I wonder if that's even possible for them to join iMayberry Community?
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Briscoe is on here with us and I bet David (and at least another one or two of the tribute artists) may join over time. Folks get busy and may not have time to be with us here in town.
As far as cast members, I doubt we'll have cast members join. It would be neat but I wouldn't over expect.
We'll just have to accept all the fun those folks have already given us and thank them for all they've done.
John Lane > Allan NewsomeJanuary 24, 2012 at 7:26am
Does David Browning even know about iMayberry Community??
Allan Newsome > John LaneJanuary 24, 2012 at 10:49am
I'm sure he does because he's a member of the WBMUTBB Chapter.
John Lane > Allan NewsomeJanuary 24, 2012 at 4:29pm
Briscoe is on here with us and I bet David (and at least another one or two of the tribute artists) may join over time. Folks get busy and may not have time to be with us here in town.
As far as cast members, I doubt we'll have cast members join. It would be neat but I wouldn't over expect.
We'll just have to accept all the fun those folks have already given us and thank them for all they've done.
Does David Browning even know about iMayberry Community??
I'm sure he does because he's a member of the WBMUTBB Chapter.
You mean the WBMUTBB Digest??????
Am I a member of the WBMUTBB Chapter?