As you all know Valentines Day was Thursday and I usually record my podcast Goober Says Hey on Thursday and ended up not recording an episode on Thursday and so would like to do one this weekend a Valentines Day episode. What I want you to do is reply with your thoughts that have to do with The Andy Griffith Show and Valentin's Day. First of all please answer which The Andy Griffith Show episode was the most valentines dayish or episode that is the most romantic, for me it is Goobee and the Art of Love. Also, any other romantic thoughts of Mayberry that can be associated in a way with valentines day. So that is why I say romantic.... Your cooperation is most appreciative. Thank you. Please reply ASAP I will be recording the podcast episode this weekend so reply by tomorrow afternoon I'd possible if you would like our comment to be mentioned on goober says hey podcast which can be found on iTunes and Thank you! Oh and I almost forgot Goober Says Hey!
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