* Sept. 25-28: 25th Annual Mayberry Days in Mount Airy, N.C. As always, numerous “Andy Griffith Show” stars will be on hand. Stars already confirmed are hometown favorite Betty Lynn (Thelma Lou) and Darling Boy Rodney Dillard and the Dillard Band (with special guest Maggie Peterson, aka Charlene Darling), who will perform a matinee show on Friday. James Best also presents his popular “Best in Hollywood Show” on Friday afternoon, and Karen Knotts returns with her fun, wonderful “Tied Up in Knotts” show, at 12:30 p.m. on Friday.
Other guests scheduled to return include Elizabeth MacRae (Betty Parker on TAGS and Lou Ann Poovie on “Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.”), Morgan Brittany (Mary Alice Carter), Jackie Joseph (“Romeena” Ankrum), Peggy McCay (Sharon DeSpain), George Spence (Frank the Boyfriend), Margaret Kerry (Bess Muggins and Helen Scobey), and George Lindsey, Jr.
Also, her work schedule permitting, Joy Ellison (Mary Wiggins, Effie Muggins, Mary Scobey, Betsy, and Iris) is planning to attend her first Mayberry Days.
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