All Discussions (673)
Barney Got Upset---But Why?
In the Deputy Otis episode, Barney became really riled when Andy made Otis a temporary deputy while Otis' older brother visited. No until I was watching this for the zillionth time did it occur to me how Barney was forever deputizing everyone includi
Read more…Man in a Hurry
This episode has a mature quality all its own. Does an excellent job highlighting then-and-now aspects of life even these days, maybe especially these days. So many in a hurry contrasted to Mayberry's relaxed atmosphere. Mankind's priorities have cha
Read more…Okay, Which Is It ---Pike or Stoner ?
About time to show our cards. Which mayor do you like more? Less?
Stoner aggravates me six ways to Sunday. Speak up, everyone. Now's your chance.
Read more…Same Storefront
Just dawned on me. Fred Goff's dry cleaner shop was the same set used for Mrs. Luken's lingerie store.
Read more…Andy and Barney Doing a Commercial
Usually, Barney gets tricked, but this time HE is the trickster.
Read more…Andy's Dad
His father appears briefly in the "Farmer Takes A Wife" episode. When Andy takes local farmer Jeff Pruitt (played by Alan Hale) to get a new suit, Andy's dad is seen leaving the clothing store and walking away.
Read more…Mrs. Lawson
Floyd mentioned his own wife. Someone will volunteer what episode he did this. Floyd was one of the so very few married TAGS characters.
Read more…Speaking of Noticing...
In the new doctor episode, there was a pay phone on the wall in the drugstore. Looked like it had a rotary dial. Does this mean people could circumvent Sarah? And the mere idea of an AT&T operator in Mayberry boggles the brain.
Read more…Really Unreal
For instance, Andy and Barney wore only one patch. Every other officer in America wears two, one on each shoulder.
And and and TAGS had too much sireen. If it ain't an emergency, no lights and siren. Even the so-called state police ( North Carolina h
Read more…Mayberry Bus Station
In a very early episode Andy and Opie Housekeepers, they have Barney picking up Bea to take her to the bus station. Later Andy says he is going to the bus station to pick her up. HOWEVER, at other times we see people getting off the bus that stops ri
Read more…The Darling Episodes
The music and Charlene aside, I find it hard to enjoy TAGS featuring the Darlings.
Read more…Episodes We Could Do Without
You bet I have one in mind. It's the one where Goober has a car inside the courthouse. GAK !!
Read more…Missing Episodes
I watch the show om two networks, TVLand and MeTV. Both keep showing the same episodes, and neither ever show what I call the last half. One guess is that it has to do with Barney, but come on, folks, they are leaving out a substantial number of epis
Read more…Entering/Exiting Vehicles
Now this puzzles me. Characters as drivers in various, numerous episodes forever get into cars on the passenger side. Who in blazes does this in real life? One example: Ellie did it in the New Druggist in Town 'sode.
Read more…TVLand Uses Its Own Clock Sometimes
Unless you wear Gomer's bucket over your head, you doubtlessly are aware that TVLand broadcasts 36 minute episodes sometimes. I am uncertain, but nevertheless boldly and brazenly claim it does that simply to allow for more commercials, not for more
Read more…Barney, with a mustache, on the Steve Allen Show, 1957
Go to and go to the 43 minute mark!
Read more…Think the rain will hurt the rhubarb?
In Season 8 Emmett Clark said "Think the rain will hurt the rhubarb?" Turns out this unusual question has a bit of history. See
Read more…Music In Mayberry
Hi everyone! I am new to the iMayberry community, so I apologize if this topic has already been discussed before. If not, I thought it would be interesting to talk or post pictures from TAGS episodes about the "music in Mayberry": musicians/bands tha
Read more…Looking for a specific episode with Barney.....
I'm trying find an episode which contains a funny scene I only vaguely remember.
The scene takes place in the police station with Barney Fife. There may be another character present, but I don't recall. Barney is trying to make his way from near the
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