Posted by mayberryfan on August 17, 2020 at 11:52pm
I thought it would be kind of interesting to see just how much we know about Barney's parents even though we only see his mother once in the entire show.
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For the Fifes in general, they can eat as much as they want. None of it goes to fat. It all goes to muscle. As Barney explained, “It’s a mark of us Fifes”.
They have a new sepetic tank. 2 tons of concrete, steel reenforced.
For the Fifes in general, they can eat as much as they want. None of it goes to fat. It all goes to muscle. As Barney explained, “It’s a mark of us Fifes”.
Slender high strung people such as themselves need a sugar pick me up in the middle of the afternoon.
He mentions once that his father would send him to the cellar to sift ashes.
I remember Barney talking about how he was a lot bigger than his father.
Oh I missed that, that's hilarious.
Barney's mother had a clock in her stomach.
Barney did not like to wear a hat that was on somebody else’s head. His mother was like that too.
They got a septic tank as a gift from Barney one year -- for their anniversary? Andy said, "You're a good son."
Something I’ve studied about....aren’t septic tanks kind of pricey for a man of limited means?