"could be his funniest line. Andy Griffith couldn't keep a straight face in many scenes with Don and Howard. You can see the real laughter in some scenes. Andy loved Howard so much after he had his stroke he still managed to make a way for Floyd…"
"I always enjoyed Floyd’s “big-spender” exchange with Barney, in If I Had a Quarter-Million Dollars. Lots of good Floyd lines there.....like “35 cents!?” a copy for Barney’s cigars."
"Yes, I feel the same way. He became my favorite character. I think they may have thought he was finished after the stroke as he was in only a few episodes towards the end of Season 4. But they quickly found out that he was better than ever!"
"I may have that quote wrong. My internet has been down for a long time, using iphone to type this. I don't have Guest of Honor on DVD. Floyd might have said: "Everything is okay in Mayberry today." "
""There's nothing to worry about in Mayberry today."
From Guest of Honor. #3 came into the courthouse and said that after Andy and Barney discovered Thomas A. Moody was a fake. I think his real name was Sheldon Davis."
"Or "Barney you're a good dancer! Just light on your feet!"
And there were some more good ones from that episode. That episode was a Floyd Quote Goldmine!
"My favorite Floyd quote also comes from Convicts at Large, which is by far Howard McNear's best performance. It is sad it was his last one before his stroke. The quote - "Maude, Al, if those hamburgers are ruined, I won't be responsible!""
"From Helen the Authoress: "You know when an author gets famous they start paying them by the word. Ten cents a word, twenty cents a word. . . In one of her little stories she could stick in something about a sunset. You know like 'The sun is…"
"I love when he reads from the motel brochure when the Taylor's are planning their Hollywood trip:
"Oh say, here's another nice one...'At night, sway to the Moroccan rhythms of Jose Gonzales in the Zombie Room while the winds whisper seductively…"