Wow there is so much to talk about with Andy Griffith. I thought this would be worth a look. Go to the link above and there you can find all kinds of Mayberry stuff in the 60's category. In the 80's category I found 3 versions of the Matlock theme an
Hey folks,I didn't really pay much attention to this question before but see if you don't notice it. In the only episode to have both Pyle and Pyle when they are seen face to face does it not seem eerie how both kind of look a like in the face. I nev
Hey folksThis site now has a complete and informative history of this backlot like never before. I enjoyed reading this because it tells about how you could see not only pictures, but a real nice flyover tour in 1958 after a visit by Desi Arnaz which
Hey folksI saw an article recently about some Old TV and Movie sets that are no longer in existence today. We can no longer visit them because they seem to be of another era. One of these is 40 acre backlot that held the town of Mayberry. Others incl
Hey folksI just found this article about a Lucille Ball statue. It looks funny with Lucille as the "Vitametevegemin Girl"Go to to get the whole story.Thanks. Chris
Hey folksAnother awesome look at the ol' 40.Hit up this site and you'll see the Mayberry Theatre. I always believed that this place was the biggest draw in the town especially with young people. I know it was my favorite thing other than the courthou
Hi folksRemember when Andy took the family to Hollywood. A great episode. A must see. Anyway you notice immediately that Andy has a lengthy to-do list..All the things about season 6. One of the biggest was when Warren had E.S.P. So funny. Warren coul
I wanted to look at this a little. I was wondering if we could work in Mayberry what it would be like. You know Andy was talking about his first job at the Mayberry Grand popping popcorn.Let's discuss it.Thanks Chris. There are many examples from the
Well this came to me when I was watching a marathon of Andy one dat last week. In the episode "Howard's New Life. Yes a color one there are 2 dream sequences in which Howard begins to age rapidly. Too much sun exposure I guess. Anyway the others were
Hey folksA great interview the wonderful Ken Berry discussing what it was like for him to get the opportunity to work with some of the cast of The Andy Griffith Show. Also he describes what life on the set of Mayberry R.F.D was like. So Check it Out
We all know in Mayberry that supper was special,but when it came to dessert now that was even better.They would say who's gonna win this year. You know Aunt Bee outdid herself in 1 episode she made 3 whole pies in a row. Let's think of some more exam
I know this might be off the wall but I just have to celebrate my love for this little town. Every time I see an episode I learn something new.It just takes me away.Thanks Chris
I love Barney when he goes over the top with his quotations.We got ta nip it-in the bud let's here it. NIP-ITWe're here to protect one of the all time greats.I could go on and on but I won't.Let's see what folks in Mayberry are thinkin.
A little trivia here. I want see how much we can remember a about each one of the characters. Little bits of knowledge or not about what we know and don't know about them throw in some surprises along the way. I think you'll enjoy this. I'll start.He
Hi gangHas anyone heard about the upcoming Maybery Christmas Special on DVD. I just heard about it yesterday. It will be released on October 4thEveryone in Mayberryland get your copy.I'm sure you can get it at Weaver's Department Store when it become
Hi gangI know this might be silly but I think anyone who has ever seen an episode of TAGS can agree with me that Fearless Fife keeps 'em on their toes.One of the funniest things ever in my opinion.What are yours. Feel free and let me know.
Let's see if folks are willing to try some fantasy. Here's the scenario...all of us enter one of those horse racing cooperatives and agree to buy a well-bred thoroughbred as a group. As luck would have it, the horse is very good and ends up in the Ke
Imagine if we were given a script for a specific episode of TAGS.I think I would have a small role. I don't think I could pop from my memory 5 pages of script. I like to have fun coming up with lines to say and writing and rewriting back and forth. I