This might not make sense so feel free to comment. I didn't know at first if Johnny Paul Jason was actually Keith Thibedeax. I remember seeing him first in the episode "Opie and his Merry Men" in Season 4. Anyway I don't know.Thanks
You know we don't think much about our 4 legged friends being a part of Mayberry, but actually it turns out to be quite the opposite. There were many animals in Mayberry including a goat, a parakeet, and others.Anyway this probably doesn't relate but
All of us know from experience what a treat it was to see Bee in her kitchen every week. I know I did. I always wondered what she would have next.I also liked when they would go to the diner.What are some of your favorites memories at mealtime in May
You know a lot of people say that yes even Andy says that Mayberry is just a state of mind. But I think that Mayberry represents a lot of things. I love that.Feel free to comment.
Hi gangAfter watching "Opie and the Spoiled Kid episode. I noticed that in early episodes Opie was allowed to do little odd jobs for pennies. As Opie got older Andy gave him a quarter. Important lesson here: Andy realizes Opie is able to be trusted.
Although TAGS was made several years ago, it is still the modern era to which we can relate to many things, but there have also been many advancements since then.
Are there any episodes due to modern technology, political correctness, different custo
I thought this would be neat to post. It was a little sad because it was Don Knotts last appearance. But they all looked good.Did anyone see this.Thanks Chris
Hi gangCan anyone tell me where they took the goat after they led him away from the courthouse. I noticed as they were walking him out there was a long dirt road that was known as higuera street on the 40 acre backlot. Where exactly is it.Thanks
Hi gangI can't help but share these with folks in our community.Mr. McBeeVee would know about this one. Well on YouTube there is a map of the folks at Desilu breaking ground on what would become our little town of Mayberry in 1955.It wasn't completed
I came up with a list of 5.1. Andy turns 902. Fun with quotes3. The Spin-off the Andy Griffith show had how many?4. Mayberry's Own Russell Hyatt5. Andy's Homeplace in Mt. AiryFeel free folks to add yours.
Hello EveryoneI've been thinking about this topic for a while now. It still amazes me what happened to Francis bavier after she retired from being Sam Jones housekeeper on Mayberry R.F.D. It seems as though she just faded into oblivion, but I ran acr
I was a fan of TAGS it's first time around before re-runs, TVLand, and DVDs. I always watched the show for pure entertainment and not to analysis. Thanks to this forum, I've started "wondering" while I watch. In the "Barney's sidecar" ep. Barney
I don't see or talk about this one much. I stumbled upon a newspaper article written not long after Andy passed.It was Dixie Ann dishing about life without her dad and mourning those wonderful times they spent together when she was growing up in Holl
Some of you make it up to "Mayberry Days" each year. For us, that is a bit of a long trip and we are generally always short on cash so that does not work. But we have other "traditions". On Sunday morning before church I make pancakes for everyone an
watching "The Gypsies" and there's old Jamie Farr, who went on to play Klinger on MASH. Were there any other main cast members of MASH that appeared on TAGS?
so I ordered the book "The Andy Griffith Show" by Richard Kelly. Turns out I got a revised and expanded edition, one I'd never seen before. Included in this edition is the script for a show that never got filmed...I'm reading it's like fin