Watching the colorized Christmas story, it caused me to notice more details. In the jail cell for the Muggins family, I'm quite sure there was a somewhat risqué pin-up photo. I just can't believe Aunt Bee and the other fine ladies of Mayberry would e
I hear there's a party at the courthouse and Mr. Weaver is giving out presents! No, really!
I plan to take a few jugs of my sweet cider over and two of my lady friends are going to bring something a little harder since Christmas is definitely a spec
During the show actual (real) people were mentioned. I believe there is a list somewhere but I can't find it. So under this topic list the real person and the episode if you know it.
It's me, it's me, it's Michael Z. My new identity is Mayor Pike, my favorite mayor.As you can see in the photo, I am just saying my characteristic "Weeeeell" in my squeaky voice.
Not hiding from the law or anything, just thought this would be a bit
Here's a small quiz: Name the actor and the character who is upstairs locked in the closet and name all the episodes that actor was in and the characters he played. I aint sayin nothing but I think Mrs Lesch mighta wacked him in the chest with an u
For those of you in the Middle Tennessee area or within driving distance; Rodney Dillard, Maggie Peterson, and David Browning will once again bring their Mayberry Christmas show to Mt Juliet, TN.
The event is December 19th @ 6 o'clock @ Victory Baptis
There was a show in the mid 50's called "Highway Patrol". I don't think I ever saw it before as reruns were not shown much, if at all. But I saw a few episodes on YouTube. The first thing that caught my eye was the uniform - it was a lot like Barney'
OkayThis is a good episode taken from season 5.Whatever happened to Baby Adelina. Opie was hilarious in this episode not to mention Briscoe and Charlene."There is A Time is absolutely one of my all time favorite tunes from Mayberry.
Hi FolksOkay we all know that at a certain point with anything that people want to try new things. Well in this particular episode Andy tries for the first time to take a job in another town. In this episode from season 5 the follow-up to Barney and
I've been looking all over for interviews with the Cast and Crew of The Andy Griffith Show talking about some of their favorite episodes and memorable moments from the show.Well guess what?Andy Griffith Favorite Episode: Barney's First CarRonny Howar
I wanted to talk a little bit about this because I think it's one of those rare subjects.Being a TAGS fanatic I don't think that there is a worst category to mention.I welcome everyone in the community to take the poll feel free to response and leave
Hey FolksI was watching a video on YouTube a little while ago and it was mentioned that on the old 40 acre Backlot where TAGS was being filmed that at the time if you looked carefully at Wally's Service Station you could see Ballona Creek through the
Who's going to Mayberry Days starts Sept 24th, with the big kickoff Friday, Sept..25th. It's going to be the biggest and best yet! "Leon" (Clint Howard) and "Ellen Brown", The Manicurist (Barbara Eden will be there. Will you?