Mayberry: Gateway to Danger
Hi FolksWhy do you think Mr. Fife(A.K.A Barney the Bulkhead) gave Mayberry it's name.I love to create these different topics to discuss.There is a lot to talk about in Mayberry
Read more…Hi FolksWhy do you think Mr. Fife(A.K.A Barney the Bulkhead) gave Mayberry it's name.I love to create these different topics to discuss.There is a lot to talk about in Mayberry
Read more…Does anyone know what happened to the 40 Acre Backlot after Maybeery?
Read more…You ever notice that in the early episodes that Aunt Bee is doing a lot of baking. I think she loved to bake that world famous Apple Pie. Folks in Mayberry know. I would look at it and immediately want to eat the crust. How many apples did she use. W
Read more…No one has ever caught a fish the size of Ol' SamWho will be the first one said Andy.
Read more…I'm pretty good at remembering what was said in each episode from the b&w years, but I cannot recall which episode Barney was complaining about not having enough money and Andy made some comment about how Barney needed to stay out of those high price
Read more…This classic album was released in 1961. I know that some if not all of our Mayberry friends own this record.Reply
Read more…Al Checco has died, on July 19 two days before his 94th birthday. The sad news was announced by Al's close and dear friend, actress Francine York.
Al guest-starred in 2 episodes of TAGS, "The Bank Job" (s3) and "If I Had a Quarter-Million" (s5).
He a
Read more…Okay FolksTo me this episode could represent many things. Another good'unAllan "Floyd" Newsome will want this episode for his series of podcasts I know!!!Mayberry folks please helpThanksTell me what you think it represents.I can think of a whole lot
Read more…Did you know Andy and Barney once had to eat 16 Jars of Kerosene Cucumbers.And on top of that they were terrible too.I wonder if they borrowed some of Clara's picklesSee if you can find it.The Pickle Story
Read more…Andy's Childhood Home is located at 711 Haymore Street in Mt. Airy. Now those of us who have been there know that it is a rare experience. If you can get up there you need to go and see it.
Read more…Hi Folks AgainHave you ever noticed that when Opie would bring home his report card that he always flunked Arythmetic. Seems like he could never succeed in MATH.
Read more…Season 6 certainly had it's share of uncertainty when it debuted in 1965.It all began in the middle of Season 5 when it was announced that Don Knotts would be leaving the show for film career in Hollywood. Well the search for a Barney's Replacement b
Read more…Hi FolksAs you know by now I'm doing a series of discussions called Mayberry Confidential. What does that mean you say?. Well I came up with the idea after reading several newsstories online about several of the main characters as well as the town it
Read more…Hi FolksOk I might need a little help with this one. Here it goes. All of us especially those of us here in the Mayberry Community are aware that Helen Crump was not only Opie's school teacher but also The future Mrs. Taylor. But what I want us to lo
Read more…Today's Lesson: Henry SlateHere in Mayberry there was a man named Bobby Fleet.He had a band with a Beat. Well Fleet was first played by Henry Slate. the Man who first discovered Jim Lindsay.There would be 2 men to play Bobby Fleet respectfully.Feel f
Read more…I started watching the sitcom "Cheers" and I noticed that two characters from Cheers are similar to two Andy Griffith Show characters. I feel that Norm from Cheers and Otis from TAGS are alike because they are both lovable drunks, have problems with
Read more…I always try to be the first to guess the name of the episode as soon as possible after the show starts.
So lets put in pictures of "Opening Scenes" of episodes and see who can guess the name of the episode the quickest.
Later on, we'll put in mid-
Read more…I just saw in "Songfesters" that John Masters states that Mayberry has a population of 2000. It seems there were other population figures cited. Were they all 2000?
Read more…Here is a fun idea. Pair up the singles of TAGS. The obvious pairs that we all are aware of are Andy/Helen and Barney/Thelma-lou. But what about Goober, Aunt Bee, Howard, as well as the less known characters or one-timers like Mr. Finch the shoe sale
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