With TVLand killing prime-time TAGS, I have been watching TAGS on Netflix. (I only have two seasons on DVD and I'm a slave to convenience.) It's funny how some episodes are COMPLETELY familiar, absolutely NOTHING in them that I haven't seen a bazil
This was Andy's first paying effort years before he found fame. His foray into dramatic arts.He would often travel to Manteo just to see this?Look at the episode "The Pagent"Has anyone in Mayberry seen this play yet?
Franklin CanyonPicnics at Myers LakeLong hikesTree ClimbingHas Anyone in our community been there. If you have let me know. I would love to go there someday.
Hi FolksIf you ever use Wikipedia you gotta check out Mayberry wikiIt's a cool little corner of fun. Lots of photos and trivia and also things you may not know about The Andy Griffith Show.
Hi FolksA really fine episode. I think Barney had a genuine love for Thelma Lou. But no matter what he always seemed to get in a mess?Hey I just saw George "Goober" Lindsay on an episode of The Alfred Hitchcock HourWould love to hear from you guys on
There was an old lady named Emma BrandShe always had a dilemma. Get those pills or be on her sickbed.But what kind of pills were they.it made her SO Mad???
Like many other places in Mayberry The Grand Theatre stood alone.Andy's first job was in a movie theatre. He was a popcorn vendor. The Greene Theatre in Mt. Airy at one time was a theatre. Today it is a tax collection office.
In the episode "Dinner At 8" Andy has to eat 3 spaghetti dinners in one evening. One of my favorites.Take this Quiz:What was the secret ingredient in Goober's spaghetti Sauce???
Just watched this episode againOMG Andy trying to dance FUNNY. I think this was the episode where Opie wore the blue jacket and it tore.Opie had to dance by himself the whole night.
Over the years we've heard a lot of debate about which Andy episodes are better. Personally I prefer the COLOR episodes even though I enjoy them all. What I'm looking for here is listener feedback. What do our Mayberry friends suggest. Feel free to d
He gave us Mayberry Matlock & All the RestHard to believe Andy's been gone 3 years now.I wish life could be like Mayberry. Thank goodness for our little town. Feel free to share your thoughts!