Was it just a case of Don Knott's shoes being too big to fill? I thought he and Andy had a good comedic timing thing going with Warren's catch phrase "huh? huh? huh?"
We all know there were chemistry issues with Andy and Ellie and Peggy, but I though
been watching some color episodes and the streets appear to be dirt roads...but I don't remember clouds of dust in town. Has anyone ever brought this up?
Hello MayberrylandHere is a list of my picks for best re-run eps for 20161. In color: The Mayberry Chef S8 ep.122. B/W Convicts at Large S3 ep.11 this episode is immortal forever. Forever hilarious.3. B/W Man in a Hurry S3 ep.164. In Color: Dinner at
I went to App St in the mid 80's , and a couple of friends and I were already the kind of TAGS fans that be a part of this kind of forum...we watched re-runs everyday after school in high school, and watched re-runs in college on TBS every night.
In A Black Day For Mayberry, Andy was wearing a gun in order to help protect the gold truck. What other episodes contain scenes where the high sheriff made use of a firearm in the performance of his duties?
First, I don’t wish this to become a political debate.
Over the years, I’ve noticed terms, and or themes, used on TAGS that would not be used in today’s shows due to “political correctness”. Can you think of any? I will start.
Sort of like what actors ask for, when they forget, their next line while in a play or on the set...Fill in the next line to the dialogue. Example:
Barney: You know Andy...this is where I really belong...Barney Fife, in the
asphalt jungle.
Andy: Now
George guest-starred on TAGS in 1963’s episode “The Big House,” as one of the State Detectives “arrested” by Barney & Gomer. (pictured, l - r, George Kennedy with Richard Angarola and Don Knotts)
We are planning on taking a trip out to CA in early March. Going out there from Texas to visit family in Fresno. Along the way we are going to Meteor Crater near Winslow AZ, then the Grand Canyon ( weather permitting) then on up to Fresno.
Hi Everyone Happy 2016Something of a different idea here.We all know that Mayberry had it's share of music and fellow musicians. Especially folk music with a healthy sprinkle of Rock N' Roll. Anyway I thought it would be a good idea to get everyone's
We have been very fortunate to have a great platform to enjoy with the iMayberry Community. We did a upper job two years ago and raised enough money to keep the website going for a couple of years, but now its time to look forward to the next year
There hasn't been a response to "obscure character" Bardoli, so I'll just say he was the house detective in Raleigh, when Andy and Barney visited the big city. He was played by Allan Melvin. I want to say that Melvin may have played the most IDENTIFI