Along with everything else Andy ever said about Ben Weaver, he is also very inconsiderate. I watched the “Shoplifter” episode several times in a row this past weekend. I just knew that eventually, Ben would not interrupt Andy and Barney’s gossip se
We know Andy and Aunt Bee were always inviting people over for supper, so I thought this might be interesting to list all the people who have sat at the Taylors for breakfast or an evening supper.
This can include folks who sat at the dining room tabl
If you're interested in an Andy Griffith Show trivia contest online then go to and sign into the chat room with a username (preferably a Mayberry related one) and a password. It will be May 28 from 7 pm -8 pm Cent
Part of what makes our Mayberry characters so lovable are the dumb things they do. So I am starting "The Dumbbell Award" series. The first goes to Floyd in "Convicts at Large" for his telling Big Maude exactly where Barney's bullet was kept. There ar
I wanted to remind you that tonight, and almost every Monday night, at 8pm ET you are invited to join Mayberry fans from the Two Chairs No Waiting podcast, iMayberry Community, and Who's Been Messin' Up the Bulletin Board Chapter for a
Found this great photo on the Mayberry USA site, posted by member Ernest T Bass. He's created some real funny TAGS pictures; check them out at: Mayberry Usa- Ernest T. Bass' Place
Notice how many guns that are in the courthouse? I count 6 in one episode, with some strange looking ones at that. One appears to be a 30-30 Winchester (Uncle Ollie) that is a popular deer hunting gun. And I am not seeing the short shotgun that Andy
Don't know what it is but it starts with 'S.' This is from the season one ep, 'Pay Day.' Gomer refuses to accept a portion of his pay because he doesn't feel he earned it. The returned money befuddles higher-ups all the way to the Pentagon and Carter