Roger Hanover's Riddle
"What did the mirror say to the dresser?" Who knows the answer?
Read more…"What did the mirror say to the dresser?" Who knows the answer?
Read more…I'm sure this is old news to most, but I saw a little of The Ghost and Mr. Chicken with Don Knotts last night, and I was surprised at all the Mayberry actors. Hal Smith played a drunk. Clara was in it, and Burt Mustin was also in it. I don't think
Read more…In what episode is this man seen and what is his presumed occupation?
Read more…Actor Don Keefer died on Sept. 7 of natural causes in Sherman Oaks, CA, at age 98. Mr. Keefer's career included hundreds of roles on stage, in film and in television.
Don guest-starred twice on TAGS in its 8th season, and once on RFD.
Calling all homeschoolers attending Mayberry Days 2014: we would love to organize a homeschoolers meet-up. Please respond if interested. Thank you!
Read more…Here is my newest blog post, fresh from the Mayberry Days Event in Mt. Airy, NC just last weekend:
Please share with your friends via email, Twitter and Facebook.
Read more…Mayberry Days is fast approaching and we need to schedule a time to have our annual WBMUTBB/iMayberry Community meet up.
Friday (26 Sept 2014) following the trivia contest is our normal time to meet so let's make that the plan.
The usual schedule for F
* Sept. 25-28: 25th Annual Mayberry Days in Mount Airy, N.C. As always, numerous “Andy Griffith Show” stars will be on hand. Stars already confirmed are hometown favorite Betty Lynn (Thelma Lou) and Darling Boy Rodney Dillard and the Dillard Band (wi
Read more…Lets compare contrasting roles played by the same actor or actress. I will start:
Big Maud the Clever Convict = Elenora Poultice the Cultural Czar of Mayberry
Read more…Just wondering if anyone else sleeps in Mayberry.
On those nights when I can't fall to sleep, I will plug in a TAGS cd and before the first episode, I'm fast asleep.
I've known people that turn the radio on and listen of music while sleeping. I list
Read more…For this bit of Mayberry merriment, simply fill in the blank of the line from a show. Then submit another one for the next person.
Andy: "Little old ladies ought never to _______."
Read more…Have you ever noticed;
Floyd in the Taylor's kitchen ?
Anything other than the sink in the Taylor's bathroom ?
Sarah at her switchboard ? For that matter, Sarah at all ?
It makes me wonder how many scenes were just never thought of, had occasion to come
Read more…I'm always interested in the different scenes and how they were shot. Some were probably easy and simple and others had many charcters and more complicated. But mostly some were so funny you wonder how they got through it. I know the show was shot wi
Read more…I found a site at that generates a crossword puzzle for you. I made one up, did a print screen, and then pasted onto a photo editor and saved
Read more…Veteran character actor Bob Hastings died on June 30 at age 89.
Bob did not appear on TAGS (or RFD), but made some film appearances with our stars... supporting roles in ANGEL IN MY POCKET (1969) with Andy, and Don Knotts' THE LOVE GOD? (1969) and HO
Read more…Someone please straighten me out on this; I can't remember specifics and could be wrong.
The question is, Does Andy have jurisdiction in M.t Pilot. I assumed he didn't, but didn't Barney lure him there once to meet the fun girls by telling him there
Read more…I can recall 2 instances, there may be more, where past events in previous episodes were brought up. Any guesses?
Read more…Mayberry Meet-up in Mt. Airy, NC 11-13 July 2014
Hey Folks,
I wanted to invite everyone who's able to make plans to visit Mt. Airy, NC the weekend of 11-13 (Friday-Sunday) July 2014.
Jan and I are, once again, hea
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