Cardboard Cutout Actor in "Malcolm at the Crossroads"?
In the still below, I am almost certain the man in the back is a cutout. Watch it yourself. The other actors move a bit, but this fellow is frozen!
Read more…In the still below, I am almost certain the man in the back is a cutout. Watch it yourself. The other actors move a bit, but this fellow is frozen!
Read more…To add to the list of Seasons 6-8 apostasies of Colorization and Barney-Fife-Extirpation we have the Boozification of Mayberry. Right away in Episode 2 of Season 6, we have "Andy's Rival" bringing a bottle of fancy french wine for the dinner that dis
Read more…I see that Mayberry RFD Season 1 will be for sale soon on Amazon. I plan on getting it. Mostly I want it cause I have watched the daylights out of TAGS - this can give me a break so when I can watch TAGS again there will be a little more newness. But
Read more…I watched the reunion show today for the first time in several years. At the end when Andy Taylor and Barney Fife were folding the flag, my eyes filled with liquid!!! Has this every happened to anyone else or am I just strange?
Read more…How would you rank the seasons from favorite to least favorite?
Contrary to many, I actually rank Season 7 in the top 3. Still #5 is my favorite, followed by #4. I rank them as
5,4,7,3,2, 6,8,1
I am not that much of a fan of #1. Andy's character is not
Read more…TAGS has some interesting phrases that are no longer used. Some that come to mind:
"Tick a lock"
"Moves in on the gradies" (old single ladies)
And there are many more . . .
Read more…I watched the "High School Reunion" show last night. Barney and Andy sing the school song. I have never been able to make out the second line of the song. Can someone help?
"Mayberry Union High"
"Victory _______________"
Read more…My local station shows Andy @ 11:00a for an hour before the Noon News (yes, sweet I know [beats the H out of mindless talk shows]).
The other day, during "The Loaded Goat", as Andy and Barney entered the alley, Otis emerges form a basement door for a
Read more…Although I'm new to this site. I have lived in Mayberry for many years. Love everything about the place.
I just wanted to say hey to everyone in Mayberry.
Read more…Please take a look at my blog, Mayberry Everyday, and give me some feedback. Feel free to comment on the blog. Thank you.
Read more…How does a new name get added to the page Real People Mentioned on TAGS?
I'd like to submit 'The Beatles"
In episode #229 "Opies Group"
Goober and Opie are in Emmet's shop and conversation goes something like:
Goober: "You still going to talk to us Opie
Read more…If anybody is interested in seeing Andy in a dramatic movie role, A FACE IN THE CROWD is scheduled to be on Turner Classic Movies next Saturday, Jan 18 at 1:00 pm.
Read more…What do you suppose some of them might have been thinking of on January 1st?
I think Mrs. Mendlebright might have resolved to get after some of the clutter in her house. I'm not saying she was a hoarder but she did still have her mother's dresser (
Read more…TVShowsonDVD reports that Warner Home Video is releasing "MAYBERRY RFD Season 1" on April 8, 2014.
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Have you all seen the Ron Howard interview at EMMYTVLEGENDS.ORG ?
We just watched the first hour, and it was eye-opening to say the least. The only one of these I have ever seen in it's enti
Read more…I really like the Elmo character. Vince Barnett has such a comical face, he doesn't even need any lines to make me smile. He also has a great scene with Deputy Goober in the episode where Andy gets sick. A high point in the color eps, imo. Elmo also
Read more…In Aunt Bee's Brief Encounter, right inside the front door of their house, where's the closet ? Also, isn't the post office right across the street from the courthouse ? Then why does mailman George have to deliver the mail ? In several past episo
Read more…Real People Mentioned on TAGS. Courtesy of the Mayberry Historical Society.
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