I just watched this episode last night. I enjoyed it and found it entertaining, but being from a rural area myself, I realize how unbelievable it is. A person on foot doesn't just walk off with a cow without being spotted. Sure, he might make it o
This might be fun to try, as you may know on the game show Jeopardy the answer is given and the player must come up with the right question which must be phrased in the form of a question such as: Who was.. Where is... What is.. you get the idea.
I'm not sure I gave this thread the right title, but what i mean is this: If you were to Google top episodes of TAGS or have a poll of favorite episodes on a TAGS site, I'm sure we would see familiar titles like, "Man In a Hurry," "The Pickle Story,
Someone mentioned in another thread about the TAGS being continuously on the air since it's first broadcast, and that got me to thinking about my first exposure. Apparently, none of my local channels got the message about it's popularity. I'm 46, a
Hello everyone - Thank you for adding me to this group. This is my first time posting. We attended Mayberry Days last year for the first time and absolutely loved it. We have been planning and talking about the return trip for months now! I am lo
Andy Taylor experienced a personality change as the series went on. As I mentioned earlier, in "Irresistible Andy" Andy acts like a person that the latter would try to calm down and say he was being silly. The horse trader displayed some behaviors
Just wondering, of all the TAGS episodes, is there one that you just can’t watch, and why?
We all know the colored episodes are difficult to watch. Believe it or not, the episode I can’t watch is the very first episode “The new housekeeper”. I know
As some of you know I am a 15 year old TAGS fan and I wonder how do you persuade someone to give the show a try and start watching and enjoying? More or less, how do you persuade a teenager my age to start watching the show? I mean I have talked to s
Colin Male announced every black and white episode of the Andy Griffith Show during the opening credits but he didn't do it at all for the color episodes. Does anybody know why? Also does anybody know much about Colin Male because I don't?
I just posted an image of young Aunt Bee in her thread, which made me want to post a picture of myself back when I was playing Tarzan's Jane in the Silents.
I was never the "It Girl," that Bee was, but I was kind of cute, in a mousey sort of way, don'
Let's list the characters that only appeared on ONE episode of The Andy Griffith Show.
List only one per entry, so the whole community can jump in.
I'll start with an obvious one.