Birthday: January 24 Who is your favorite Mayberry character? Andy Taylor
Reidsville, NC
January 24
Who is your favorite Mayberry character?
Andy Taylor
What is your favorite episode of The Andy Griffith Show?
They are all my favorite. One especially is when Opie tries to win a medal in the 50-yard dash. Barney is helping train him. In the middle of training, Barney has Andy lie down on the porch while he sits on his feet. When Andy pushes Barney, his arms fan out and he comes back and says, "I said push, not shoot!" I love that!
Can you share a short bio with us so that we can get to know you better?
I'm 65, disabled and live with my 46-year old son. He works for the state, and we have been Andy Griffith fans our whole lives. I started watching as a kid, and so did my son. I love to read and work puzzles but our favorite show of all is TAGS!