In no particular order, name the top 1-2 quotes from the show that you “ACTUALLY” SAY TO YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS, a lot!
Please only list 1-2 to give others a chance to add theirs!!!
I’ll start:
- Your education was worth every penny.
- Eatin’ speaks louder that words!
Yesterday I was giving driving lessons to my 15 year old son on an isolated dirt road that ends at an old abandoned farm house.
I showed him the gauges and so on. I said:"E means that its empty, F means that its full" He said "okay" Then I said it again: "E means that its empty, F means that its full." I said it a couple more times until it became annoying to him. He finally came back and said: "I KNOW what it means!"
I was the only one laughing, but I will show him that Gomer and Mister Tucker scene when I get a chance. Then he will get it.
That'll lay on your chest!
You gotta nip it in the bud!
Yes, I say 'nip it in the bud' a lot!
Winkin Blinking Nodamus Rex, Save us all from this terrible Hex.
Pa, what can you do with a grown woman
Joe, this comming saturday, I will have put in 51 years trying to figger out what to "do with a grown woman"
Congrats to you & the Missus, Shorty!
One that I forgot that I say a lot, is "Ain't it a dinger, Paw!"
I often say to people "go out there and act like somebody." Also, when talking about someone, "I think he's from somewheres else."
"Don't pick your peaches till they're fuzzed up good."