As you all know Valentines Day was Thursday and I usually record my podcast Goober Says Hey on Thursday and ended up not recording an episode on Thursday and so would like to do one this weekend a Valentines Day episode. What I want you to do is repl
I don't know why, but Opie the Birdman was not an episode that I really love, I don't know why, but I just don't see what makes the episode sad or a great episode. Can somebody help me understand evryone else's point of view? I just don't get it.
I am very sad to announce Andy Griffith's childhood friend Emmett Forrest passed away this morning. He was a true friend of Andy's. He has been his friend since they were both young boys. They have developed quite a relationship for each other. Barba
Well, guys I am moving up to the big city! If you may recall, I have The Andy Griffith Show Video Podcast on YouTube. Which I discontinued a few months ago. But now, I have something you all can enjoy and LISTEN to whether you are with or without WiF
Just wanted to share with everybody, season six of Here's Lucy has been released, and there's a couple of Andy surprizes on there. First of all Andy is a guest star in one episode, and also in the special features there is an episode of a radio talk
When my grandsons visit, I always try to have them watch at least one TAGS episode with me. I guess I want to help them learn to enjoy Mayberry as much as I have for the last 52 years.
Anyway, when my oldest grandson Monty went back home, he told hi
The Lord has been so good to me by giving me this community of Mayberry fans to be a part of. My life is so much more rich because you are in it and I'm very thankful.
A classic moment from THE ODD COUPLE with Jack Klugman and Tony Randall. AND, featuring our very own Maggie Peterson as the beleagured flight attendant.
It may have been mentioned before, but I just noticed an error in the episode "TV or not TV". When Andy is speaking with the "Hollywood writers" the bar across the gun rack is down. Seconds later, Barney enters with a rifle(and his chin strap under
Our latest eBullet newsletter was sent out today. If you don't subscribe to the e-mailed version (it's free), you can read current and back issues online here:The eBullet.
Well a month ago I finished reading Don Knotts' Autobiography: Barney Fife and Other Characters I Have Known. It is sure an interesting book! Has anyone else read it?